The Chesterfield Hotel
When the nights are long and warm those of us of a certain age can often be heard warbling those unforgettable lyrics from The Lovin’ Spoonful as we stroll through a metropolis;
“Hot town, summer in the city,
Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty”
I was singing this and getting admiring looks as we strolled through Mayfair toward the Chesterfield Hotel. Mrs. Gin said, rather cruelly I thought, that the looks were admonishing rather than admiring. Whatever, I was happy, I was off to a gin tasting.

Strictly speaking, it was an event to introduce a new Whisky Experience, launch a new menu of molecular cocktails and showcase the hotel’s already established Gin Experience. It was the latter we were interested in but molecular cocktails are not to be sniffed at; well they are, but later.
First up was a G&T and a chat with James, a resident mixologist. While we supped our Martin Millers with Fever Tree garnished with strawberries and cracked back pepper (very nice indeed) he explained the back-story of three of the gins on display; Martin Millers, Sipsmith and Monkey 47. I was particularly interested in the tasting trays the hotel has specially made for its Gin Experience; I want one, or several actually!
The Gin Experience is a great idea and proving popular; there are four experiences ranging from £25 to £30. The idea is that you sample three gins of a different taste range (from dry, citrus, spicy, floral, smooth and savoury) accompanied by different and complementary tonic pairings and garnishes.

After our gin tasting, we sidled over to the cocktail area where interesting and, frankly weird concoctions were being prepared. Mrs. Gin zeroed in on a Mojito which looked incredible. It started with a cloud of ‘air’ – dry ice billowing out of a small cauldron, scented with vanilla and lime to stimulate the tastebuds – followed by a globuIe on a tasting spoon of intense flavour, like an explosion of mint and lime in the mouth. Then the cocktail. It looked and smelled amazing.
I was allowed nowhere near this so opted for a sumptuous looking Eton Mess cocktail. This consisted of a strawberry, vodka and cream liqueur injected into an ice sphere, served on a bed of crushed meringues and strawberries. This has to be cracked with a mini hammer, which I did with great gusto.
We set off into a hot London night. Overwhelmed by the whole experience, I turned to Mrs. Gin and serenaded her,

And babe, don’t you know it’s a pity
That the days can’t be like the nights
In the summer, in the city
She looked frantically round, spotted a display of gin in the window of Hedonism Wines, said rather desperately, “I need more,” and disappeared inside. But that’s another story, for another time…
September 18, 2016 @ 18:31
Very smooth post. I definitely love your site. Keep writing!